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Yoga Therapy: An Integrative Solution for Improving Youth Mental Health
by Michelle J. Fury Michelle Fury, Founder and Owner of Rhythms Yoga Training, licensed professional counselor (LPC), Yoga Therapist...

Even Scaredy-Cats Can Be Brave
by Michelle J. Fury, LPC, C-IAYT I had a total hip replacement in January 2023. My surgeon told me it would be “a blip in the radar” of...

Yoga Helps Depressed Clients
By Rachel Bilski, The Minded Institute ™ Depression is a complex and multifaceted illness, thought to be caused by a delicate interplay...

Tackling Teen Depression
Disclaimer: The following client portrait is fictitious. Many people who exhibit depressive symptoms demonstrate similar behaviors and...

Splitting Open the Problem of Anxiety in Our Children
Guest Author: Clinton Nunnally, LCP Foundations Family Counseling Associates LLC

COVID-19 and Teens: Using Yoga Therapy to Cope with Trauma
As a follow up to our last post about COVID-19, it is now more apparent than ever that quarantines, remote learning and general social...

Finding Our Way in the Time of COVID-19
Feeling meh? click here Yoga/Meditations, then click the Subscription button and type the promo code Aprilyoga to have access to family...

Please Move Away from the Window
This post was going to be a follow up from my last post about teen test anxiety. I have that one ready to go, and will post it in late...

Mindfully Tackling Teen Test Anxiety
"I feel so overwhelmed." "I had another panic attack in science class today." "I was in the bathroom at school, and all of sudden I...

Family Yoga: Swap Screen Time for Face-to-Face Time
Do you ever look at someone in your family and think, "You don't get what I'm saying"? Whether you're a kid or a parent, you're not...

Build It & They Will Come
I'm very excited to announce that I am now offering Yoga Therapy for Kids & Families at A Living Arts Centre (ALAC) in Denver just off...

Confessions of a Snooze Button-Pusher
Do you hit the snooze button on a regular basis? Do you hit it more than once a morning? Do you think I'm about to get preachy and tell...

Cake, Yoga & Home Practice
Creating a great yoga sequence is like baking a cake. That's what I tell the teens, 'tweens & kids with whom I work. One thing that sets...

Bedtime Yoga for Kids
I can't fall asleep. I can't stay asleep. I wake up feeling tired, even when I slept all night. I hear these complaints all the time from...

Benefits of Meditation: A Story of Overcoming the Monkey Mind
Yesterday I wrote a post about introducing meditation to kiddos. But I didn't mention why one would even want to meditate. There's lots...

Calming for Kids
Can children meditate? I was recently asked this question by a reporter during an interview about meditation for kids. I was surprised by...

A Survival Guide to the Holidays
(Hint: Rhymes with "oy") It's here again. The holiday season: A time when we see tons of images of happy, beautiful families in new...
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